
Stories of Mermaids

"I think I have the solution," said the king and he lifted his trident. A magical cloud streamed around the pair. The next second, Coral was back in the sea. She had a tail instead of legs-and so did Dan! "Let's try underwater dancing," said Coral. And they swam off, hand -in-hand.
Coral love living under the sea. She races dolphins and sealions. But Coral has a secret wish. She wants to dance. Every evening, she watches the humans whirling and spinning at the dance hall.So, she says to king, "I'd like some legs please."At first, he looks doubtful, but she begs and begs. Then, he points his magical trident at her tail. She stands on the beach. She tries to run to the dance hall. She dances with young fisherman called Dan. They enjoy dancing. But she soon finds that life on land isn't as good as it looks. She tells him her amazing secret. She has to decide to have legs or tail. She misses her ocean home more than she enjoys dancing. But she had fallen in love with Dan. Then, king have the solution. They goes back in the sea with tail.
I like this story very much! It was wonderful that they worried each other. I thought they were a nice couple. And They must be continue forever!

著者 :
Usborne Pub Ltd
発売日 : 2009-06

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I read "Matilda" this week. Matilda is a very clever little girl, but her terrible parents don't like her and her head teacher...