
How to Stay Healthy

This book is written about how to stay healthy. So I will tell the contents of it. 

These can be roughly divided into three. First, it is right food. Carbohydrates give our bodies  energy. Fiber helps to move food through our stomachs and intestines. Moreover, Proteins help our muscles to grow and we need calcium for healthy bones and iron for healthy blood. However, we don’t have to eat too much food with sugar, fat, and salt. In Japan, people eat lots of rice, vegetables, and fish. This food has lots of fiber and vitamins and it doesn’t have much fat. 

Second, it is exercise. Do you know why exercise is good? I could understand it by reading this book. Exercise helps to make our bones and muscles stronger. It also protects us from health problems. Furthermore, it makes us feel good, and it even helps us to work better at school. So we need to do exercise even if it isn’t a long time. 

Third, it is rest. Our body needs to time to repair our muscles and to make them bigger. And we need to sleep so that our brain can rest. 

I think it is very important to stay healthy so I should be careful in daily life. Especially, food, exercise and rest is necessary to build a strong body. 

2 件のコメント:


I read "Matilda" this week. Matilda is a very clever little girl, but her terrible parents don't like her and her head teacher...